What is ThetaHealing
ThetaHealing® is a powerful energy healing technique that allows you to change limiting beliefs which hold you back from your full potential and the life that you truly desire.
In essence, ThetaHealing® is applied quantum physics. Using the theta brain wave, which until recently was believed to be accessible only in deep sleep or yogi-level meditation, the practitioner is able to connect with the energy of All That Is, to identify ailments and witness healings on the physical body, and to identify and change limiting beliefs. In this way, ThetaHealing® allows for immediate physical and emotional transformations and healings. ThetaHealing® allows you to reprogram the subconscious mind, changing limiting beliefs to empowering ones. ThetaHealing® allows you to release old patterns of behaviour and effectively rewrite your future.
ThetaHealing® can been used to eliminate physical disease and emotional trauma to recreate health, wealth and happiness.
Calendar of classes 2021
Basic ThetaHealing class November 26th - 28th
Advanced Class December 10th -12th
Dig Deeper
Growing Your Relationships 3
(You & your Inner Circle)
Growing Your Relationships 4 August 29th & 30th
(You & the Earth)
Intuitive Anatomy
Rainbow Childrens (For Adults)
Manifesting & Abundance December 18th & 19th
Game of Life
Liz at Everything ThetaHealing has practised ThetaHealing® for more than 15 years. She has followed her passion and changed not only her life but assisted others to change their lives too. Liz has studied ThetaHealing® in New Zealand, US, Spain, Switzerland and Japan, where she received ThetaHealing®’s highest qualification. Liz is a registered Master ThetaHealer® with a Certificate in Science. Liz practices in both Australia & Malaysia. She teaches others this amazing technique and offers private consultations.
Bendigo, Australia
2020 has been an interesting year and has put a stop to the classes in Bendigo. I can hardly wait till we begin again.
Not long now! and in the meantime
So many new and great things happening at the Theta Centre. Firstly, we have crystals! That's right we have added a great range of crystals at Kangaroo Flat and will be having public open days so that you can browse the beautiful gems.
We will be having open days most weeks in the lead up to Christmas!
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2020 sure has been an interesting year. It seems to have taught us to spend more time with family, appreciate how to be centred and to reflect.
Interesting times indeed.
I look forward to being able to see my friends and clients in Malaysia face to face soon
Our Services
Private consultations OR
if you would like to learn ThetaHealing®, Everything ThetaHealing offers a full range of courses including:
Basic ThetaHealing Course
Advanced ThetaHealing Course
Dig Deeper
Manifesting and Abundance
Intuitive Anatomy
Disease and disorder
World Relations
Rainbow Children
Game of Life
Planes of Existence
Soul mate
Growing your relationship 1 - You and your significant other
Growing your relationship 2 - You and Creator
Growing your relationship 3 - You and your inner circle
Growing your relationship 4 - You and the earth